explanation writing

WALT explain how or why something occurs.

How big is the biggest plane in the world?

The biggest plane in the world is called Antonov 
 an-225 Mriya. The maximum weight this plane can hold is 640 ton.


The Antonov an-225 Mriya once carried a 256 ton  payload which broke the 110 world aviation records.
The Antonov an-225 was created in the 80's and completed  in 1988 it was made in Ukraine

The plane was originally built for carrying the Soviet space shuttle now it is used as a passenger aircraft.

The Antonov an-225 Mriya is powered by six turbofan engines it was completed in 1988 after successfully fulfilling its Soviet military missions. 

The Antonov an-225 Mriya is the biggest plane in the world and was orignally built to carry the soviet space shuttle now its used mainly as a passenger aircraft.


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