
Showing posts from July, 2016

kapa haka #5

At kapa haka we did our cultural festival songs twice and we did our transitions between them after that we did the poi that we are doing for it and then the girls that do the short poi had to stay behind to change the poi to an easier one because some people couldn't do it. I showed leadership by getting involved. I showed excellence by paying attention to the front.

peer mediation #5

At my duty of peer mediation we did our rounds around the classes first we went around the field then around the younger kids classes then around classes 1,2 and 3 then we go past rooms 11,10,9 and 8 then back around the field. we had one problem and that was because someone wanted to play with them but they didn't want to so they ran away. I showed excellence by helping others with their problems. I showed leadership because i was being a good role model.

My CARE Progres

l have done a check of my CARE progress so far this year. I am proud of my progress because i have got my bronze and doing quite well on my silver How far away are you from reaching your BRONZE/SILVER? I am about 1/4 done on my silver. The area of CARE that I need to try harder in C / A / R / E because i haven't got as many tics in it. To achieve my BRONZE/SILVER award quicker I need to sit away from my friends more often. The one thing that I can do to improve my progress in CARE is log them more often. We will review CARE progress again at the end of the term.

peer mediation excellence #4

At my duty of peer mediation we did a lap of the field and went around all the classes and we had one problem that was just that they wanted to play with someone and they didn't want to play with the other person. I showed excellence by helping others. I showed leadership by helping other people.

kapa haka excellence #10

At kapa haka we are working on the transitions for the cultural festival and we practiced the songs we are doing for the cultural festival they are... halayuya tiatapu tahurihuri the haka I showed leadership by paying attention to the front. I showed  excellence by trying my best. I really enjoy doing kapa haka and I am looking forward to the cultural festival. 

WALT: Use appropriate scales, devices, and metric units for length, area, volume and capacity, weight

Oranges Measuring is about making a comparison between what is being measured and a suitable measurement unit. Central to the development of measuring skills is lots of practical measuring experience. Also important is the reality that measurement is never exact. Required Resource Materials: Oranges Measuring equipment including; rulers, scales, measuring jugs. Activity: Complete the questions below: How can you measure an orange?weight length,width,capacity. Think of the attributes of an orange eg juice. Choose two of these attributes of an orange to measure and carry out the task. Write up a proposal for your investigation, including details on: Attribute being measured                       Juice and insides Equipment required               ...

peer mediation can do excellence #9

today at peer mediation we went around the classes the field was closed so we couldn't go on it. we had one problem that was that the younger kids didn't want to play with each other but the other person did want to play with the others so we decided that they play together the next day. i showed leadership by being a role model i showed community by helping others  

peer mediation leadership #2 excellence

today I did my duty of peer mediation first we had to go to the field to get our other peer mediator then we went to the younger kids classes past rooms 1,2 and 3 then we went to the senior playground and there were two problems the first one was a problem that we aren't supposed to deal with so we got a teacher to deal with it and the second problem we had was because fell over. I showed leadership by being a rolemodel to the younger students. I showed community because i was helping them

Peer mediation #3 excellence

On my duty of peer mediation we had too look open for problems and that is so they will come to us with there problems. Today we didn't  have any problems to fix. Now the peer mediators are aloud to hand out pozis if they are getting involved and talking turns. I showed leadership by helping everyone else who needed help but only if they do need help. I showed community by showing others that it's good to help others

kapa haka can do #1 excellence

In kapa haka we had a very long practise  that started at 9:15 until 11:00 because we had to practise for the cultural festival the songs we are doing in the cultural festival are tai tapu  haleluya tahurihuri haka{at the end of one of the songs} and me and some others had to go to te hapua so we finished earlier than everyone else I showed leadership by being a rolemodel i showed community because i wasn't moaning because it was long. 

kapa haka can do #2 excellence

Today at kapa haka we had to do two songs with the nonperformance group and then the nonperformance group left and went back to class so we could practise for the cultural festival  the songs we are doing are ... tai tapu  haleluya tahurihuri haka{at the end of one of the songs} I enjoy doing kapa haka I showed leadership by being a rolemodel I showed community because i was paying attention to the front 

Kapa haka excellence #3

Today in Kapa haka we were doing two songs with the non performance group then they had to go back to class so the performance group can practice for the cultural festival we are doing three songs they are Hallelujah  Taitapu tahurihuri And we are also doing the haka I showed leadership by paying attention to the front. I showed  excellence because I was trying my best even if I mess up the words on accident

kapa haka can dos

today at kapa haka we did two songs with the non performance group then they had to leave so we could keep practicing for the cultural festival. first we started with hallelujah then we do  tahurihuri after  that we do  taitapu and the haka at the end of that song . i showed leadership by trying my hardest . the care value i showed was community because i was contributing to the group.