
Showing posts from 2016

kapa haka distinction #10 can do

Today is the performance day for the senior citizens concert I had to finnish peer mediation and then sprint to class to get my uniform and then I sprinted to the hall toilets to change into my uniform then I helped everyone put there hair into how your meant to have it and that is half up and half down but I had already done it in the morning so i didn't have to do it then we walked into the hall at sat down and then waited until everyone came in because our performance was first because the kapa haka mostly starts the performances like the senior citizens concert,the gala,school prize giving.ect Then we did a warm up song and that was ka wiata. then we did our performance they seemed really happy . I showed good leadership by not talking in between performances. I  continued to be a good role model by just continuing even when I mess up the actions.

Peer mediation #10 distinction can do

whilst i was on duty of peer mediation I walked around the field and then walked past the senior playground and there were no problems so I just carried on and every one that was on the field was wearing there hats then i walked past rooms 1,2 and 3 there were some people playing on the clock then there was a problem because someone said that they taged the other person but the other person said that they didn't so we came and asked what they could do to fix it and they both agreed to replay it so they did  then we walked down to the Juniors they were running around and having fun. I showed leadership to the younger students by helping them with there problems. I continued to be an good role model by walking around most areas of the school in my time.

kapa haka #9 distinction cando

At kapa haka I sat in my lines at the front and about 6th from the right we started by singing tai tapu and then we talked about the performance that we had next week that was the senior citizens concert then we sang tenaematoe and then we sang it again but a bit slower so that we could do the actions and so that every one new the actions after that we sang hallelujah the next song we sang was  ka waiata after that we sang tai tapu again personally I think that this is the song that we know the actions to the best and that we sing this song with a lot of pride witch I am happy about. I continued to be a good role model to the younger students by singing with pride in all the songs.  I showed good leadership by not talking in between songs or when the teachers were talking.

Peer mediation #9 distinction can do

On my duty of peer mediation I walked around the field and I saw some kids playing cricket and there were some juniors playing soccer there was one problem but that was because one child got left out of a I was walking  around the field there were some netball and basket balls left on the filed and they are not meant to be there so I picked them up and put them in the netball bin. I showed leadership by helping others join into games I contented to be a role model by helping others

must do #5 technology distinction

Today at teach I sensibly walked down to the design room and put my bag in the cubby hole then walked into class with my pencil case. Then in the printed bag my two skulls were in there as well as my two s's as well. then it was morning tea time Then we went to mandarin we learnt about some more animals and how to say big animal  and small animal. after that we went back to design and me and maddy were planning what we are going to say about our dragons den project we will be talking about our phone case ear phone holder. I continued to be a good role model to the other students by showing the care values outside of school. I showed well I was involved by learning positively

must do #4 technology distinction

Today at teach I sensibly walked down to the design room and put my bag in the cubby hole then walked into class with my pencil case. Then in the printed bag my 2nd try all of my phone case was there and I was really happy but then it didn't fit but the the teacher announced that they will not be printing out any more cases for anything because they don't fit what they are made for but I can still show it for what I made because its purpose still works. After that I made an s for me and I also made two skull pencil holders so that I could have one and give one to my mum. Then we went to mandarin we learnt about some animals. I continued to be a good role model to the other students by showing the care values outside of school. I showed well I was involved by learning positively


This term we have been learning all about the Marae. We have learned that……. The Marae is an important focal point for the community. The Marea is a place where tradition and customs can be carried out. The Marae is a place where people can express their values with dignity. There are many kawa ( protocols) that prevail on the marae. Marae kawa (protocols) can differ between maraes and iwi. We have focussed on some key concepts when doing this learning. These are listed and explained in the table below. Concept Definition - give the meaning of these concepts in your own words. Tikanga The right way of doing things Pōwhiri welcoming ceremony Tangata whenua local people Manuhiri visitors Tūrangawaewae A home Whanaungatanga likes family and belonging  Manaakitanga care for other peoples heath and well-being  Aroha means love, respect and concern See this video for an explanation of the roles an...

Find fractions, decimals, and percentages of amounts expressed as whole numbers

this is our last task that we had to do this is my working out ... If you add all of them together the the surf shop is cheaper. The least you could spend is 67 The most you could spend is 122 By buying the cheapest items  you save 55 I want to buy a tracksuit at two different shops with the same tracksuit that are both having a sale but at one shop the Price is $86  with 30% off but at the other shop the  Price is $64 with 25% off. These screenshots are proof of me completing the IXL tasks I learnt how to find fractions decimals and percents of amounts expressed as hole numbers simple fractions and decimals.

my treaty of Waitangi learning

here is a link to my slide 


Parliament This term we have been learning about Parliament. We have looked at the difference between government and parliament, NZ parliament, who is in government, how our government works and we compared democracy to dictatorship. Three things that I learned in NZ parliament are: That the prime minister sits in the 4th seat on the left The speaker sits at the front Ruth Dyson is mp of this area Here is the link to my compare and contrast map explaining the difference between democracy and dictatorship.

kapa haka can do #8 distinction

well I was doing kapa Haka we came into the hall and sat in our lines facing the doors and we started by singing tenaematoe then we let the nonperformance go back to class then talked about the senior citizens performance. Then we practised the actions for tenaematoe and after that we went in to our lines then we practised all of our songs that we are doing for our performances we have about 2 or 3 more performances until the end of the year after that we practised taitapui and personally I think that taitapui is the song that we sing the loudest in. I showed leadership by not talking and listening to the teachers talk about our performances I continued to be a good role model to other students by helping them with the actions.

peer mediation distinction #8 can do

On my duty of peer mediation I walked to the junior area first i walked around the junior playground and then lots of the younger students came up to me and said hi and gave me a hug then i walked around the reception room after that we walked past rooms 8,9,10 and 11 there were some people that were playing 4 square  then we walked past the hall and there were some people bouncing the ball at the wall and we just reminded them not to do that after that we walked around the field as we were walking around the field we picked up some basket balls and net ball s because they are not meant to be on the field. I showed leadership while you were involved by walking around all areas of the school. I have continued to be a good role model to other students by being respectful to all students.

#7 kapa haka distinction

well I was doing kappa Hakka we came into the hall and sat in our lines facing the stage and we started by singing taitapui and tenaematoe then we let the nonperformance go back to class then we practised the actions for tenaematoe and after that we went in to our lines then we practised all of our songs that we are doing for our performances we have about 4 more performances until the end of the year after that we practised taitapui and personally i think that taitapui is the song that we sing the loudest in. I showed leadership by remembering where I stand. I continued to be a good role model to other students by helping them with the actions.

kappa Hakka #6 distinction

well i was doing kappa Hakka we came into the hall and sat in our lines facing the stage and we started by singing taitapui and tenaematoe then we let the nonperformance go back to class then we practised the songs that we are doing for the senior citizens performance and after that we went in to our lines then the teachers said that they needed some people in the front row that new the actions so I put my hand up  we practised all of our songs that we are doing for the senior citizens  performance we have about 4 more performances until the end of the year after that we practised taitapui and personally i think that taitapui is the song that we sing the strongest in. I showed leadership by not being afraid to go in the front row. I continued to be a good role model to other students by helping them with the actions.

getting involved must do leadership #3

I was getting involved in my morning tea and lunch by playing 4 square, 4 square is a game where there are 4 squares and one person goes in each square and you have a ball and you have to bounce it in someone else's square and then make the ball not touch the ground out of the square  and if it hits the line itis carry on and there is first serve that's when someone gets out on the first severe that doesn't count and you can help other people out because if its about to touch the ground you can run and catch it for someone else. there is also a challenge where some one can throw the ball and say challenge and can say accept or decline and there is a king challenge where you have to accept.there is also a shin shine pr shoe shine where if the ball hits you in the shin or on your shoe. I showed leadership while you were involved by playing my game and being respectful of others I have continued to be a good role model to other students by respecting my pairs.

technology #2 leadership must do distinktion

when I got to school I did the roll then we got on the bus it take's about half an hour to get to Lincoln primary. After that I walked down to my class sensibly and put my bag in the cubbyhole and took my pencil case out. Then I got on with my project Maddy and I are making phone cases that have ear phone holders on the top so that they don't get tangled up because its annoying our phone cases got printed out but they don't fit our phones properly so we had to redesign our cases. Then we went to mandarin we  were learning how to count to one hundred. I continued to be a good role model to the other students by showing the care values out side of school. I showed well i was involved by learning positively

must do technology #1 must do distinktion

when I got to school I did the roll then we got on the bus it take's about half an hour to get to Lincoln primary. After that I walked down to my class sensibly and put my bag in the cubbyhole and took my pencil case out. Then I got on with my project Maddy and I are making phone cases that have ear phone holders on the top so that they don't get tangled up because its annoying. Then we went to mandarin we  were learning how to count to ten and twenty. I  showed leadership by getting involved in group discussions more by putting my hand up more. I have continued to be a good role model to other students by showing my care values outside of school.

peer mediation distinction #7

On my duty of peer mediation I walked to the junior area first i walked around the junior playground and then lots of the younger students came up to me and said hi and gave me a hug then i walked around the reception room after that we walked past rooms 8,9,10 and 11 there were some people that were playing 4 square  then we walked past the hall and there were some people bouncing the ball at the wall and we just reminded them not to do that after that we walked around the field as we were walking around the field we picked up some basket balls and net ball s because they are not meant to be on the field I showed leadership by doing my duty not just playing with my friends.  I continued to be a good role model by going to all of the areas to see if there were any problems.

peer mediation distinction #6

On my duty of peer mediation we walked around the field and there were some people playing on the playground and there were some more people playing on the flying fox then we walked past rooms 1,2 and 3 we saw some people just playing happily with each other and then we walked past the hall there were some people looking for the golden tickets there were some people that were playing hide and seek joyfully after that i walked past room's 8,9,10 and 11 i saw some people just sitting down and talking to each other then i walked around the reception  room there were some of the younger students running around and laughing. I showed leadership by saying hello to all the students that i could. I was being a good role model to the other students by helping others. 

kappa Hakka #5 distinction

well i was doing kappa Hakka we came into the hall and sat in our lines facing the stage and we started by singing taitapui then we let the nonperformance go back to class then we practised the actions for tenaematoe and after that we went in to our lines then we practised all of our songs that we are doing for our performances we have about 4 more performances until the end of the year after that we practised taitapui and personally i think that taitapui is the song that we sing the loudest in. I showed leadership by trying to remember where I stand. I continued to be a good role model to other students by helping them with the actions.

peer mediation distinction #5

At the start of my duty of peer mediation we walked around the field and there were some students playing cricket and then there were some students playing busted on the playground and then we reminded them that you are not allowed to play busted on the playground after that we walked past rooms 1,2 and 3 there were some people playing on the clock the clock is an game that is painted on the ground we gave them a pozi after that we walked around the hall and then we walked past rooms 8,9,10 and there were some people playing handball  or 4 square. I showed leadership by making sure that i helped all the students I could. I was being a good role model to the other students by walking around all areas of the school

My Anzac slide show

kappa Hakka #4 distinction

well i was doing kappa Hakka we came into the hall and sat in our lines facing the stage and we started by singing tenaematoe and then we went over the actions to make sure that we all new them and just so we could practice them and then we sang taitapu and we also did they actions to it personally I think that taitapu is the song that we sing the loudest in its probably because we are proud to be part of Oaklands school after that we then we all got to leave and then we sorted out new lines that kind of look like a triangle go back to class. I showed leadership by trying to do the actions as best as I could. I continued to be a good role model to other students by helping them with the actions.

Peer mediation distinction #4

on my duty of peer mediation first we walked around the junior area and then we went to the junior playground after that we walked around the field and then we saw some people playing the pals game and it was capture the flag after that we then walked though the senior play ground and there were no problems after that we walked around rooms 1,2 and 3 there were a few people banning the balls at the hall and we just reminded them that it could damage the wall and its just not good for the wall.then we walked past rooms 8,9,10 and 11 there were some people playing a game with each other but there was one problem but that was just because someones ball went away and then another person ran and got it but then the other person  thought that the other person was going to steal it but then we came and they just said sorry and moved on. I was being a good role model to the other students by helping everybody I could. I showed leadership by walking around all areas of the school'

kapa haka #3 distinction

Today whilst I was doing kappa Hakka we came into the hall and sat in our lines facing the stage and we started by talking about what our next performances are going to be and then we sang tenaematoe and then we went over the actions to make sure that we all new them and just so we could practice them and then we sang taitapu and we also did they actions to it personally I think that taitapu is the song that we sing the loudest in its probably because we are proud to be part of oaklands school then we all got to leave and go back to class. I showed leadership by trying to do the actions as best as I could. I continued to be a good role model to other students by helping them with the actions.

Peer mediation #3 distinction

On my duty of peer mediation we walked around the field and as we were walking around the field and as we were walking around the field we picked up a few netballs and basketballs because they are not meant to be on my the field then we went past the sprint tracts and we saw some students practicing sprints then we went around the senior playground and there were a lot of people there after that we walked past rooms 1,2 and 3 then we walked past rooms 8-11 there were some people playing gutter ball nicely and happily and there were some others just siting down laughing and giggling with each other. then i went around the reception room there was quite a lot of people running around and playing in the sand pit . I showed leadership by helping everyone that I could. I have continued to be a good role model by walking around all areas of the school.

kapa haka distinction #2

When I was at kapa haka we were learning a song that we did a few years ago and the actions for it its called te nae mateo and we are through all the actions now we have to improve how well we know them. After that we just went through the songs we know. I showed leadership by being open to learning new songs and actions. I continued to be a role model by helping others to learn the actions.

peer mediation distinction #2

On my duty of peer mediation we walked around the field and then we walked around the senior play ground and the carried on walking around the field then we went around the years  0 ,1 and 2's play ground then around the reception room and then we went around the years 3 and 4 play ground after that we went past rooms 11-8 and then we went past rooms 5 and 6 then we went around the field once more then we were finished. I showed leadership by doing my duty not just playing with my friends.  I continued to be a good role model by going to all of the areas to see if there were any problems.

I can take action to improve the water cycle in Canterbury

I can take action to improve the water cycle in Canterbury In this project I was working with Natasha and we decided to create a water filter Here is a link what we made. In this project we decided that our success criteria were:   A good water filter needs... Why is this important? The right materials for the job So we can make a good water filter. Needs  to produce drinkable water Because if the water wasn’t drinkable you would get sick if you drank it. Needs to be strong So it doesn't break and it can carry all the water and rocks inside it. Needs to last for as long as possible Because the water filter would be useless if it only worked for one lot of water. Needs to work in all areas Other wise you would have to leave it in the same area and you might need it somewhere else Overall our project met meet this criteria because... it was strong,long lasting,works in all areas,produces drinkable water and we had the right mater...


I can describe the characteristics of music from songs of a different time and place Over the past 7 weeks I have been learning to describe the characteristics of music from songs of a different time and place I can describe these characteristics in a piece of music Melody = A lot of single notes that is musically satisfying. Harmony = A combination of musical notes to make a pleasing effect. Rhythm = A repeated pattern of movement. Timbre = The character or quality of a musical sound. Form = The form is the structure a song or a piece of music Here is an example of my learning

kapa haka distinction #1

When I was at kapa haka we were learning a song that we did a few years ago and the actions for it its called te nae mateo and we are through all the actions now we have to improve how well we know them. After that we just went through the songs we know.  I showed leadership by listening so fire [the teachers] could teach us.  I have continued to be a good role model to all the other students by learning new thing.

Peer mediation distinction #1

My duty of peer mediation had got changed just for this week because we had koru games. We did our duty on Friday. We walked around the field and then we walked around the music room and past rooms 11-8 and then past rooms 1,2 and 3 then though the senior play ground and back round the field and then we finished with no problems at all. I showed leadership by just doing my role even if it got changed. I have contenued to be a good role model to the other students by trying my hardest to try and sort out problems even though there wasn't any

koru games

The activity I played was volleyball My two highlights of the Koru Games were... That the net was lower than what we practiced with because I couldn't get it over. That there was Pita Pit because it is delicious. I am proud of coming 7th out of about 24 teams. Next year I want to stay playing volleyball because it is fun.

CARE: My progress so far

The CARE award that I am working towards is:  my silver The one area of CARE that I am doing best in is: Respect  because: i have got heaps of ticks in it. The one area of CARE that I need to work harder in is:  excellence because: i have not got many tics in there. To show my leadership qualities I am a role model to others in the CARE values by doing/showing these leadership traits: integrity goal focused, trustworthy, active thinker, motivational and resilient.   On the CARE SOLO matrix below I am at this SOLO level: because: Relational Prestructural Unistructural Multistructural Relational Extended Abstract I am not aware of the CARE values yet. I know what the CARE values mean. I need help to use them. I can use the CARE values. I need reminding to use them. I can use the CARE values independently. I can use the CARE values independently. I can role model to others how to use the CARE values. ...

peer mediation #10 excellence

On my duty of peer mediation we went past the years 3/4 playground there were no problems so then we went around the sand pit and then we saw i girl crying and lying on the ground so i ran over and her friend told me that she fell off the reception room stairs and hit her head on the concrete so one of the peer mediators ran and got a teacher because you need to fill out the sick bay form then we took her down to the sick bay after that we went down in between the hall and rooms 5 and 6 then as we were going through there the teacher on duty told us to go to the office and ask if they could ring the wet lunch bell so we did and just in time as well because when we were just about to get to class it started to hail  and then when we got in class it started to hail really heavy. I showed excellence by helping as many people as i could. I showed leadership by helping other people.

showing respect at tech and on the bus

                                                   on  the bus  on the bus I only talk to the people beside me so the driver can concentrate I don't pick at the set or bus                                                              at  Technology  I listen to the teachers and follow there instructions  I act sensibly so I get my work done

Getting involved.

At lunch time it was a wet lunch ( inside lunch ) but even though it's inside there is still stuff to do me and my friend were playing monopoly but there are a lot of different ways to play and yet again there was a slight change but we didn't understand the instructions so we got someone else and asked if they could understand the instructions and they did and they were so kind to teach us how to do it  now we understand. I showed excellence by asking others how to do it. I showed leadership by showing thats its ok not to know and it's great to seek help.

peer mediation#8 excellence

On my duty of peer mediation we walked around the field and then we went though the senior playground after that we went past rooms 1-3 then we went past the library and rooms 8-11 then we went around the reception room when we walked past the years 0-2 playground we found a girl crying and we had to calm her down so we could understand what she was crying about and it was that she thought her friends didn't want to play with her but they did they just wanted to be the leader as well as her in the end we said to her that they will play with her but they needed to have a go being the leader by then it was time to swap with the next people ( we swap at 1:10 ). i showed leadership by showing them that it is all right to share. I showed excellence by trying my hardest to fix the situation with a win win solution.

I can show respect at technology and on the bus

At tech At tech we had to make i Movies about the the design process I worked with Natasha and we got imagine so we just thought of some ideas and then i came with a man was going camping and then on the way his caravan broke down so he had to compromise and imagine and make his own tent!! I was getting on with my task and trying to get it done as fast as i could. On the bus On the bus I was talking to the person beside me and I was also was being sensible and not picking at the seats. I showed respect by being quiet eso the bus driver could concentrate. I showed excellence by getting on with my task.

WALT apply the techniques of improvisation to a range of different scenarios.

Improvisation TECHNIQUES that I have used successfully are, thinking on the spot and making it funny Improvisation TECHNIQUES that I would like to have more practice at are being quick at thinking what to do quick. The thing that I enjoyed most about this unit of learning was learning all the improve games because i enjoyed them. The thing that I found most challenging during this unit of learning was preforming in front of people that are not my friends because i front like doing things in front of others My favorite improvisation game was sell this thing because it was really funny. My next step/ something I need to work on further  in improvisation is thinking quick because it took me ages to think of it.

I can apply my knowledge of adverbial clauses

I can apply my knowledge of adverbial clauses and connectives to see how ideas are linked in texts. For reading I have been learning about adverbial clauses. I have found this learning challenging because it was quite hard to identify the types of sentences. In this activity , I had to find the adverbial clauses in the sentences.

Kapa haka #9 excellence

I was part of the Oaklands Kapa haka group that performed at the 2016 cultural festival. We performed last I was proud to be part of it as we all performed to our best we did three songs and the first one was hallelujah and then the second one was Te hurihuri and the last one was our school song taitapui our transitions were really good and at the end we did he honorary with another school and then they put on a song and every one on stage just stayed on stage and danced. I showed excellence by being as quiet as I could in the transitions. I showed leadership by trying my best in the performance.

my info report

THE WATER CYCLE INTRODUCTION T he water cycle is a process where water goes through key stages . E.g evaporation , condensation , precipitation , runoff and Groundwater . There is no start or end to this process , this water has been recycled from around 4 billion years ago . EVAPORATION Evaporation is where the sun heats up the water and turns it into vapour . This process is an invisible process you cannot see this happening , usually . Do you know that plants and trees can also lose water into the atmosphere , through their leaves this process is known as Transpiration . Two of the next steps are Condensation and Precipitation . CONDENSATION Condensation is where vapour rises into the air , it cools and turns back into a liquid , forming clouds . The currents high up in the air move the clouds from place to place all around the world . The next step is precipitation . PRECIPITATION W hen too much water has condensed it becomes too ...